The 校友会杰出教学教授 was established in 1983 through the initiative and generosity of the membership of the combined Alumni Association of the 肯塔基州乡村走读学校 together with its predecessor schools, the Kentucky Home School for Girls and the Louisville Country Day School. This appointment is intended to recognize extraordinary dedication and contribution to the total educational development and personal growth of 肯塔基州乡村走读学校 students. 被任命者每年领取津贴, which is equal to three-quarters of the income generated by the endowed principal.
Eligibility: 肯塔基州立走读学校的全职教师 whose full-time service at KCD totals at least three years 有资格被任命为名誉主席吗. Each appointee may hold the chair for an unlimited number of non-consecutive two-year terms, provided that the faculty member continues to serve in a full-time capacity at KCD.
任命过程: 从1983年开始, 之后每两年一次, or whenever the chair shall otherwise become vacant at the end of a school year, nominations for appointment to the Alumni Association Endowed Chair 会在符合条件的年份的五月初被录取吗. 任何目前的九娱乐学生或教职员, 或联合校友会的任何成员, 可否向委任委员会提交提名. 每一个提名, 写明被提名人的姓名和资格, 必须附有简短的支持性声明吗 and by two seconding signatures.
The selection committee shall be composed of the President of the Alumni Association, 谁来担任委员会主席, 校友会副会长, 学生会主席, the Headmaster, 和上院的理事, Middle, 和较低的学校. The committee 应审议已提交的所有提名, 应在适当时要求进一步的支持声明, and shall sake a selection by majority vote of the committee members on or before May 31. The individual identified by the selection committee will be recommended to the members of the Board of the Alumni Association, 谁来安排实际的约会. The appointment shall be announced to the school community during Commencement week of that school year.
每两年一次的任期从每年5月的选举后的7月1日开始. If the chair should be determined to be vacant before the end of the first trimester of any school year, an interim appointment may be made according to the same nomination and selection procedures outlined above. 临时任命, 由任命委员会决定, may be made either for the remainder of that biennium or for a full biennium plus the remainder of the school year then in progress. An interim appointment of less than twelve months shall not affect a candidate's eligibility for appointment to the subsequent full biennium.