
Faculty & Chair Awards


  • 董事会数学和计算机科学教授

    The 董事会数学和计算机科学教授 was created in 1983 by the Board of Directors from part of the funds raised in the capital campaign of 1981-82. This appointment is intended to recognize and encourage outstanding contributions to the 肯塔基州乡村走读学校 in the teaching of Mathematics and/or 计算机科学.
    Eligibility: 肯塔基州立走读学校的全职教师, who  1) has served at the school in a full-time capacity for at least one year, and  2a) whose instructional responsibilities fall predominantly within the fields of Mathematics and/or 计算机科学 in the Middle and/or Upper Schools, or  2b) who is responsible for the predominant portion of this instruction in a Lower School class 有资格被任命为名誉主席吗.  Predominant instructional responsibilities in the Middle and Upper Schools shall be interpreted to mean more than fifty percent of the faculty member's composite academic load in student-hours per week for the three trimesters of the school year. Predominant instruction in the Lower School shall be interpreted to mean primary responsibility for Mathematics and/or Computer instruction for a Lower School class or grade level.

    任命过程: 从1983年开始, 之后每两年一次, or whenever the chair shall otherwise become vacant at the end of a school year, nominations for appointment to the 董事会数学和计算机科学教授, 会在符合条件的年份的五月初被录取吗. Any current student or faculty member at KCD 可否向委任委员会提交提名. 每一个提名, 写明被提名人的姓名和资格, 必须附有简短的支持性声明吗 and by two seconding signatures.

    聘任委员会由校长组成, 教务主任, 以及三位部门主管. The committee shall elect its own chairperson from among its membership, 应审议已提交的所有提名, 应在适当时要求进一步的支持声明, and shall make an appointment by majority vote of the committee members on or before May 31. The appointment shall be announced to the school community at Upper School Class Day at the end of the school year.

    每两年一次的任期从每年5月的选举后的7月1日开始. If the chair should be determined to be vacant before the end of the first trimester of any school year, an interim appointment may be made according to the same nomination and selection procedures outlined above. 临时任命, 由任命委员会决定, may be made either for the remainder of that biennium or for a full biennium plus the remainder of the school year then in progress. An interim appointment of less than twelve months shall not affect a candidate's eligibility for appointment to the subsequent full biennium.
  • 南希·鲍灵在英语和历史领域担任特聘教授 & The Humanities

    The 南希·鲍灵在英语和历史领域担任特聘教授, and the Humanities was established in 1980 through the initiative and generosity of Mr. Owsley B. Frazier in memory of Nancy Bowling, a member of 肯塔基州乡村走读学校's class of 1979. This appointment is intended to recognize distinguished teaching and to encourage imaginative development of curricula in the teaching of writing.
    Eligibility: 肯塔基州立走读学校的全职教师, whose instructional responsibilities fall predominantly within the stipulated academic departments, and whose teaching experience in those subject areas totals at least five years, 包括在九娱艺术中心至少三年, 有资格被任命为名誉主席吗. Predominant instructional responsibilities shall be interpreted to mean more than fifty percent of that faculty member's composite academic load in student-hours per week for the three trimesters of the school year. Each appointee may hold the chair for an unlimited number of non-consecutive three-year terms, provided that the instructor continues to serve in the requisite capacity at KCD.

    任命过程: 从1981年开始, 之后每三年一次, or whenever the chair shall otherwise become vacant at the end of a school year, nominations for appointment to the Nancy Bowling Endowed Chair 会在符合条件的年份的五月初被录取吗. 任何现任九乐堂教职员, 或九娱乐中学或高中的任何学生, 可否向委任委员会提交提名. 每份提名,说明被提名人的姓名和资格, 必须附有简短的支持性声明吗 and by two seconding signatures, 其中至少一人必须是现任教员.

    聘任委员会由校长组成, 教务主任, 以及三位部门主管. The committee shall select its own chairperson from among its membership, 应审议已提交的所有提名, 应在适当时要求进一步的支持声明, and shall make an appointment by majority vote of the committee members on or before May 31. The appointment shall be announced to the school community at the appropriate Class Day at the end of the school year.

    任期三年,自每年5月选举后的7月1日开始.  If the chair should be determined to be vacant before the end of the first trimester of any school year, an interim appointment may be made according to the same nomination and selection procedures outlined above. 临时任命, 由任命委员会决定, may be made either for the remainder of that triennium or for a term of two years plus the remainder of the school year then in progress.  An interim appointment of less than eighteen months shall not affect a candidate's eligibility for appointment to the subsequent full triennium.
  • 校友会杰出教学教授

    The 校友会杰出教学教授 was established in 1983 through the initiative and generosity of the membership of the combined Alumni Association of the 肯塔基州乡村走读学校 together with its predecessor schools, the Kentucky Home School for Girls and the Louisville Country Day School. This appointment is intended to recognize extraordinary dedication and contribution to the total educational development and personal growth of 肯塔基州乡村走读学校 students. 被任命者每年领取津贴, which is equal to three-quarters of the income generated by the endowed principal.
    Eligibility: 肯塔基州立走读学校的全职教师 whose full-time service at KCD totals at least three years 有资格被任命为名誉主席吗. Each appointee may hold the chair for an unlimited number of non-consecutive two-year terms, provided that the faculty member continues to serve in a full-time capacity at KCD.

    任命过程: 从1983年开始, 之后每两年一次, or whenever the chair shall otherwise become vacant at the end of a school year, nominations for appointment to the Alumni Association Endowed Chair 会在符合条件的年份的五月初被录取吗. 任何目前的九娱乐学生或教职员, 或联合校友会的任何成员, 可否向委任委员会提交提名. 每一个提名, 写明被提名人的姓名和资格, 必须附有简短的支持性声明吗 and by two seconding signatures.

    The selection committee shall be composed of the President of the Alumni Association, 谁来担任委员会主席, 校友会副会长, 学生会主席, the Headmaster, 和上院的理事, Middle, 和较低的学校. The committee 应审议已提交的所有提名, 应在适当时要求进一步的支持声明, and shall sake a selection by majority vote of the committee members on or before May 31. The individual identified by the selection committee will be recommended to the members of the Board of the Alumni Association, 谁来安排实际的约会. The appointment shall be announced to the school community during Commencement week of that school year.

    每两年一次的任期从每年5月的选举后的7月1日开始.  If the chair should be determined to be vacant before the end of the first trimester of any school year, an interim appointment may be made according to the same nomination and selection procedures outlined above. 临时任命, 由任命委员会决定, may be made either for the remainder of that biennium or for a full biennium plus the remainder of the school year then in progress. An interim appointment of less than twelve months shall not affect a candidate's eligibility for appointment to the subsequent full biennium.
  • Edward E. 福特基金会高级学校科学教授

    The Edward E. Ford Foundation Endowed Chair in Science was created in 1982 by a grant from the Edward E. Ford Foundation in order to recognize and encourage outstanding teaching in the field of science. 被任命者每年领取津贴, which is equal to three-quarters of the income generated by the endowed principal.
    Eligibility: Any science instructor of the 肯塔基州乡村走读学校 who has served at the school for at least one year shall be eligible for appointment to this honorary chair. Each appointee may hold the chair for an unlimited number of two-year terms.

    任命过程: 从1983年开始, 之后每两年一次, or whenever the chair shall otherwise become vacant at the end of a school year, 提名任命爱德华E. 福特基金会高级学校科学教授, 会在符合条件的年份的五月初被录取吗. 肯塔基乡村学校的在校生, 或者任何肯塔基乡村学校的教职员工, 可否向委任委员会提交提名. 每一个提名, 写明被提名人的姓名和资格, 必须附有简短的支持性声明吗 and by two seconding signatures.

    任命委员会由校长组成, 教务主任, 以及三位部门主管. The committee shall elect its own chairperson from among its membership, 应审议已提交的所有提名, 应在适当时要求进一步的支持声明, and shall make an appointment by majority vote of the committee members on or before May 31. The appointment shall be announced to the school community at the end of the year luncheon of the school year.

    每两年一次的任期从每年5月的选举后的7月1日开始. If the chair should be determined to be vacant before the end of the first trimester of any school year, an interim appointment may be made according to the same nomination and selection procedures outlined above. 临时任命, 由任命委员会决定, may be made either for the remainder of that biennium or for a full biennium plus the remainder of the school year then in progress. An interim appointment of less than twelve months shall not affect a candidate's eligibility for appointment to the subsequent full biennium.
  • 埃里克·戴维斯纪念教师奖

    Established in 1987 by Marguerite and Fred Davis in memory of their son, Eric, class of 1991.
    Eligibility: The award is to be presented to that member of the faculty or administration who inspires in students a curiosity and thirst for knowledge.  The person must exhibit the ability to lead students to realize that learning is its own reward.

    任命过程: 从1987年开始, 之后每年都是这样, nominations 会在符合条件的年份的五月初被录取吗 by the Head of School. Any current student in grades eight through twelve or any faculty or administrative member may submit a nomination.  每一个提名, 写明被提名人的姓名和资格, 必须附有简短的支持性声明吗.  The headmaster will make the final decision and the award will be announced to the school community during Class Day and faculty luncheon at the end of the school year.
  • Jason Bell "H.E.A.R.T" Award

    成立于2021年,以纪念杰森·贝尔, 于2020年4月意外去世的九乐学院教员. Jason Bell Memorial HEART Awards are earned annually by members of the faculty and staff that embrace Honesty, Effort, Attitude, Respect, and Trust as professionals representing the ideals that Jason Bell displayed during his tenure at KCD (2010-2020) as a beloved teacher, coach, mentor, 同事和朋友.
    Eligibility: The award is to be presented to that member of the full faculty or administration who embodies the principles of H.E.A.R.诚实,努力,态度,尊重和信任. Up to five awards can be awarded annually at the discretion of the Head of School.

    任命过程: 从2021年开始, 之后每年都是这样, nominations will be accepted in early May of each year by the Head of School. Any current student in grades eight through twelve or any employee may submit a nomination. 每一个提名, 写明被提名人的姓名和资格, 必须附有简短的支持性声明吗. The Head of School will make the final decision and awards will be announced to the school community during Class Day. 奖项将在年终教师午餐会上颁发. Each winner receives an antique school bell and then bestows the award to a winner the following year. The names of each year's winners are recorded on a large plaque that hangs prominently on campus.


List of 2 items.

  • 考克斯家庭教师发展基金奖

    A generous donation from KCD parents Russ and Kathy Cox funds the Cox Family Teacher Development program. The intent of the Cox Family Teacher Development Award is to support professional development with a focus on innovation in teaching.
    由校长组成的委员会, 司董事, 三名教员将考虑所有申请.

  • 教师奖

    一位KCD的同事, 谁希望保持匿名, 每年慷慨资助“教师换教师奖”. 每年颁发的奖项数量和金额可能有所不同.
    The Teachers for Teachers Award will provide financial assistance to help fund a professional development opportunity for a KCD teacher.  (Please note: applications from administrators and non-teaching staff who are full-time employees of KCD will also be considered.)

    Professional development opportunities should have a direct tie to one or more components of KCD’s motto of 公民、学者、管家.

    Opportunities supported by this award may include (but are not limited to) furthering a degree, 强化教学经验, 教育他人或自我.

    Funds will not be awarded for traditional conference/workshop-style professional development.

    Award recipients will be expected to share their experience and/or the knowledge gained from the experience with their colleagues in a manner or format agreed upon through consultation with a division director or direct supervisor.

    Funds from this award may be combined with continuing education funds but may not be combined with annual professional development funds or other awards (i.e. Cox Award).





  • 董事会数学和计算机科学教授 Recipients

    1983-85: Gander
    1985-87: Crenshaw
    1987-89: Lutton
    1989-91: Fore
    1991-93: Gander
    1993-95: Paschal
    1995-97: Stanek
    1997-99: Ponniah
    1999-2001: Conrey
    2001-03: Stringfellow
    2003-05: Goode
    2005-07: Williams
    2007-09: Lowrey
    2008-10: Goldberg
    2010-12: Shartzer
    2012-14: Crawford
    2014-16: Herman
    2016-18: Elliott
    2018-20: Zabloudil
    2020-21: Mansilla
    2021-23: 莫妮卡怀特豪斯
    2023-25: Kim Kettring
  • 南希·鲍灵在英语和历史领域担任特聘教授 & 人文学科获奖者

    1981-83: Shoulta
    1983-86: Jansing
    1986-89: LaHue
    1989-92: Pollitt
    1992-95: Aylor
    1995-96: Brian
    1996-97: (open)
    1997-2000: Shoulta
    2000-03: Glosky
    2003-06: Brown
    2006-09: Mulloy, P.
    2009-12: Brownlow
    2012-15: Stringfellow
    2015-18: Edinger
    2018-21: Kaiser-Harryman
    2021-23: Rachel Kuffner
  • 校友会杰出教学受奖人聘任主席

    1983-85: Fothergill
    1985-87: Mulligan
    1987-89: Hagenau
    1989-91: Thomason
    1991-93: Wilhelmi
    1993-95: Brey
    1995-97: Christell
    1997-99: Chiari
    1999-2001: Dick, F.
    2001-03: Wheeler
    2003-05: Smith, J.
    2005-07: Smith, C.
    2007-09: Mead, S.
    2009-11: Paschal, M.
    2011-13: Scinta, K.
    2013-15: Korchnak, G.
    2015-17: Gallion, R.
    2017-19: Copley, B.
    2019-21: 玛丽·克莱·埃丁格
    2021-23: 雷切尔·罗林斯
    2023-25: 凯瑟琳Balbach
  • Edward E. 福特基金会高级学校科学奖获得者

    1983-85: Hendershot
    1985-87: Geoghegan
    1987-89: Jones
    1989-91: McGavic
    1991-93: Molter
    1993-95: Jones, B.
    1995-97: Meriwether
    1997-99: Jones, B.
    1999-2001: Ferner
    2001-03: Turner
    2003-05: Jones, B.
    2005-07: Johnson, J.
    2007-09: Martin, K.
    2009-11: Endicott, M.
    2011-13: Johnson, J.
    2013-15: Moreland, M.
    2015-17: Ribblett, H.
    2017-18: Korchnak
    2018-20: Giesel
    2022-24: Glass, J.
  • 埃里克·戴维斯纪念学院奖获得者

    1987: Crenshaw
    1988: Jones
    1989: Karem
    1990: Mulligan
    1991: Walker
    1992: Wilhelmi基斯
    1993: Gander
    1994: Simmons
    1995: Glosky, Anne
    1996: Pascal
    1997: Hughes
    1998: Goode
    1999: Mahaffey
    2000: 威廉姆斯,DeeAnna
    2001: Brown, Dean
    2002: Amick, Jean
    2003: Hayes, LuAnn
    2004: Miller, David
    2005: Beatty, Jayne
    2006: Ponniah, Ann
    2007: Herf, Ellen
    2008: Shoulta, Jill
    2009: Giesel, Terri
    2010: Towne, Maggie
    2011: Riggs-Johnson,朱莉
    2012: Apel, David
    2013: Brey, Diane
    2014: 史蒂芬斯克娜
    2015: Racine, James
    2016: Glosky, Anne
    2017: 范·豪顿,科里
    2018: Biddle, Marko
    2019: Shartzer, Sarah            
    2020: Kuffner, Rachel
    2021: Wagner, Brian
    2022: 戈德堡,迈克尔
    2023: Rice, Tim
  • Jason Bell "H.E.A.R.T.得奖者

    2021: 罗克珊·克拉克博士. Wendy Foulis, Lisa Pepper, James Racine, Julie Smith

    2022: Lillian Apple, Melissa Bahe, Taylor Little, 斯蒂芬妮·罗伯逊, Adam Wilkinson

    2023: 里德·科恩,瑞秋·库夫纳,凯莉·里奇,凯特·罗文,伊莉斯·帕克
肯塔基国家走读学校是一所私立JK-12学校, coeducational school located on a spacious 80+ acre campus in Louisville, KY. KCD combines a rigorous academic program with a wide variety of athletic and extracurricular programs. Our outstanding faculty creates an intimate learning environment that is both challenging and supportive.